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  1. Gnuplot cumulative flow chart


    # date      iphone  common  ipad    xxx
    2010-02-08  9370       0       0       0    # iphone 1.0
    2010-04-22  9602       0       0       0    # iphone 2.0
    2010-06-03  9602    1354    4820       0    # ipad 1.0
    2010-10-07  9602    1869    5536       0    # ipad 2.0
    2011-03-01  8892    4041    9356    6046    # xxx 1.0
    2011-05-06  8648    5973    6960    6046    # iphone 3.0


    set terminal png size 600, 350
    set output "loc.png"
    set title "Projects Lines of Code"
    set key left
    set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
    set format x "%Y-%m-%d"
    set grid
    set xdata time
    set xtics rotate by -45
    set xrange ["2010-03-01":"2011-06-01"]
    plot "loc.txt" using 1:($5+$4+$3+$2) title "xxx" with filledcurves y1=0 lt rgb "#cc3333", \
         "loc.txt" using 1:($4+$3+$2) title "iPad" with filledcurves y1=0 lt rgb "#cc9933", \
         "loc.txt" using 1:($3+$2) title "Common Lib" with filledcurves y1=0 lt rgb "#669933", \
         "loc.txt" using 1:2 title "iPhone" with filledcurves y1=0 lt rgb "#336699"

    Drawing the chart

    $ gnuplot loc.gp && open loc.png